Blizzcon 2012 Cancelled, Boozecon Reigns Supreme!

That’s right! In a stunning victory for “the little guy,” the assholes at Blizzard have finally given up the Anaheim Convention Center for the far more popular Boozecon!

As you may recall, Boozecon 2011 was CANCELLED last year because those dicks wanted to tell us about pandas or some shit. And so I was BUMPED from the Anaheim Convention Center in favor of those twats. I vowed that this would never happen again.

And it fucking won’t.

How you like me now, Blizz?!?!?! Huh? Whatchoo gonna do when the big drunk chicken pukes alcohol all over you?!?!

They sure are, Aldous. They sure are.

I am proud to announce that Boozecon 2012 will be held October 19-20 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.

And for those of you that are wondering if Anthony Hopkins will be returning for this year’s event, he has unfortunately been out of contact since last year’s cancellation. But don’t worry, we’ve been in talks with some other pretty big celebrities and we’ll release that information when available.

I can go ahead and announce that we will be having a live musical performance from Level 90 Elite Tauren Chieftain because they don’t do shit else during the year and performing once a year in October is the only way they can feed their families. I can be a nice guy sometimes.

Stay tuned for more information regarding special guests and ticketing information.

26,000 Turn Out for Renegade Boozecon

Thanks to everybody for making our Renegade Boozecon a success. That’ll teach Blizz to mess with the little man and try to use their power and resources to shut us out.

A couple of weeks ago I asked you to show up and occupy Blizzcon so that they know there are repercussions when they try to cancel smaller events like mine. I’m very proud to say that 26,000 people showed up to support my cause. Blizzard will certainly feel the force of this blow for months to come. To quote Chris Metzen:

They were boozing out all over the place. It was absolutely insane. I couldn’t stop shaking.

Thanks again to everybody who turned out. We’re starting to put our plans together for Boozecon 2012 and we can’t wait to see everyone there next year. Hopefully Blizz knows better than to try and get us cancelled again next time.

Boozecon 2011 Update: Guest Appearance by Anthony Hopkins

Sir Anthony Hopkins, making a special guest appearance live at Boozecon 2011.

If you haven’t purchased your tickets for Boozecon yet, you’d better hurry up.  They’re going fast and we’ve just gotten confirmation that Sir Anthony Hopkins will be making a live appearance at the convention.  Details are scarce, but we’re hearing that there will be a live Q&A session as well as time for photos and autographs.

He’ll also be present at this year’s closing steak dinner banquet. Don’t miss your chance to meet Hannibal Lecter himself and perhaps even share a drink with him!

As a reminder, Boozecon 2011 will be held October 21-22 at the Anaheim Convention Center.  We’ll be sure to pass on more exciting news as it trickles in.

Tickets Now Available for Boozecon 2011

And there was much rejoicing.

You read the headline?  Hell yeah you did.  That’s why you can’t stop joyously fist pumping.  You want details?  Hell yeah you do.

Boozecon 2011 will be held October 21-22 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.  Tickets are now available at your local grocer or liquor store (depending on liquor laws in your county or parish).  Just purchase 750mL of your favorite liquor from any location and bring it to the convention center for instant admission.  Whiskey is preferred, but for attendees that are so inclined a 12-pack of beer is also acceptable (none of that light bullshit, please).

There will be tons of booze, drinking games, booze, pizza, booze, and a special keynote presentation from Aldous (me) where he (I) will reveal the newest exciting boozekin project!  More details on Boozecon activities for this year will be released in the coming weeks.

Must be 23 or older for admission.